Thursday, January 17, 2019

Racquetball Rackets and Fan Patterns

Racquetball rackets have come a long way. They are more powerful than ever. The additional power comes from better materials making the frames stiffer and new, more open, fan string patterns.
Those string patterns "fan out" as you go up the face of the racket, creating more space between the strings. This increases the give in the strings at impact, returning more energy to the ball, and more power.

Power is great, but there is a downside. Durability.
All that extra give in the strings puts more stress on the strings and for hard hitters, can cause more frequent string breakage.
If you are a really hard hitter and the softer strings are breaking to quick, switching to a tougher, nylon string can add string life without giving up much power. There is a trade-off. What adds durability takes away power and vice-versa. Every player has to make a decision on which is more important, knowing the pros and cons of each string.
We can help you make a string choice that can get you more of what you need for your racquetball racket. Stop in and we will go over the options and find the best fit your needs the best.

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